Lipica Bhattacharya

Special Educator

Special Educator

Ms. Lipica Bhattacharya is a special educator with a keen interest in special  needs, training in context of mental health.

Practicing Since:  

since 1995

Qualification: M.Ed in Special Education(Specific Learning Disability),SNDT, Mumbai

Area of interest: Parenting of children with scholastic difficulties and documenting Specific Learning Disability among children   in multilingual school environment.

She was co investigator in developing a cognitive, language and scholastic skills of   Bengali children with NDD titled ” Battery to assess  Perceptual-motor, Cognition, Language and Scholastic skills among  Bengali children with Neuro-developmental Disorders”

She has co-authored  three  Journal publications  at national level and a book chapter on Specific Learning Disability by Palgrave Mcmillan.

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