Pre Marital Workshop


Marriage is a major turning point in every person’s life. We at Crystal minds understand this only too well. A thought-provoking and insightful workshop was conducted on the clinic premises on 27th November by lead psychiatrist Dr. Rima Mukherji and associate counselling psychologist Pavitra Sahay. The subject was pre-marital counselling, a riveting and highly relevant topic in a society where matrimony is considered a priority of the highest order. Because marriage is a commitment of highly emotional nature, it is often easy to overlook practical aspects such as compatibility with one’s partner, lifestyle preferences and financial considerations, among other things. The 2 ½ hour session was directed at conveying necessary knowledge about the lifelong journey that two people undertake together that may certainly qualify as an adventure yet requires the kind of serious consideration that any other major life decision involves such as what to study or which career path to take. The workshop helped participants to not only become more self-aware and better understand their rights and responsibilities but also to make well-informed decisions first as individual beings and then as potential partners. The truth is there are several things to think about for oneself and discuss with one’s potential life partner before tying the knot. Before you can start a new chapter of life with your partner, it is important to be on the right page.

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